📢 Legends of Elysium Incentivized Alpha Testnet Now Live! 🚀


Legends of Elysium

We are thrilled to announce that the Legends of Elysium Incentivized Alpha Testnet is now officially available for eager players to embark on an epic gaming journey! This exciting phase allows you to get a sneak peek into the world we are crafting and offers a unique opportunity to shape the game’s development before the grand launch on the mainnet.

During the Incentivized Alpha Testnet, you’ll have the chance to explore the captivating realms of Legends of Elysium, battle formidable foes, unravel secrets, and experience the core gameplay mechanics firsthand. As an Alpha tester, you’ll have the exclusive opportunity to be among the first to experience our game in its early stages. However, please be aware that this is an Alpha testnet, which means you may encounter bugs, crashes, and unfinished features. Your invaluable feedback and bug reports will be instrumental in fine-tuning the game, ensuring a remarkable gaming experience for all players.

To begin your journey in Legends of Elysium universe:

  1. Visit https://legendsofelysium.io/
  2. Click Play Now button in the right-top corner.
  3. Use the following credentials to log into the game:
    Login: AlphaTestnet
    Pass: AlphaTestnet2424!
  4. Connect your MetaMask (Watch Tutorial)
  5. Join the battle and become a Legend! (Watch Game Tutorial)

As a token of our gratitude for your active participation, we plan to reward our dedicated Alpha testers in the future. Your bug reports and insightful feedback will help us shape the game’s mechanics, balance, and overall quality, and we want to acknowledge your contributions by providing special incentives as we progress towards the mainnet release.

But the adventure doesn’t stop there! Once the Incentivized Alpha Testnet phase concludes, we will be moving into the highly anticipated Closed Beta phase. During this phase, only players with a coveted Closed Beta pass will be granted access to join us in refining the game further. The progress you make during Closed Beta will be preserved when we transition to the Open Beta phase on the mainnet, giving the most supportive players who obtained the access a head start in this epic journey!

We cannot wait to witness your skill, strategy, and passion as you engage with Legends of Elysium during the Alpha Testnet. Join us now, become part of this epic journey, and let your voice be heard as we shape the destiny of this immersive gaming experience together.

Visit our website Legends of Elysium to learn more about Legends of Elysium, access the Alpha Testnet, join our Zealy and stay updated on our progress. Follow us on social media for exciting news, sneak peeks, and exclusive content!


Gear up, heroes, and get ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime in Legends of Elysium!



Legends of Elysium - Free-To-Play Card Game

Legends of Elysium is a fantasy Free-To-Play fusion of Card & Board Game enhanced with strategic elements.